Thursday, July 21, 2016


It's the fourth day of this self-experiment.. No sugar/alcohol/meat/diary/coffee/tea.. I can tell you, it has been bad. The last three days I have had constant headache. Today the headache is more or less gone but I feel tired and not really cheerful. I'm just awaiting this first phase. I really hope it gets better.

I'm going to CrossFit this evening. Let's see how much energy I have and how do I perform:)

Besides being tired, annoyed and hungry, there is not much change either in sleep pattern, body weight, or anything else.

I'll keep you (whoever reads this someday.. Probably only myself) posted

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


I'm undergoing a simple terms it consists of 1month cutting all sorts of meat, sugar, diary, and coffee/tea. You could call it a sort of de-tox, where I'm just trying to reset dependencies. I'm on day 2 right now, and it's been bad.. Constant headache since yesterday.
I'll be writing every now and then, mostly for my own sake:)


Sunday, July 17, 2016

Once again

Well let's see.. This is like the third time I try to restart posting stuff in my blog, which has surprisingly been active now for over 10 years!! Almost a sort of blogger pioneer :-))

Hope to keep it active.. This time for real:)